AOL Inc. is the American Multinational Telecommunication Company known for delivering the world some of the best products and services that include AOL email, AOL shield pro, and AOL Gold. These products have made the lives of people very easier. It provides a single platform to access your AOL email and browse the internet together in one place. You just need to install AOL Gold 1-800-234-6190 and begin your journey of exploring this new interface.
If you are a new user then you can download AOL Gold from its official website but if you are using an older version of this software then you just need to upgrade it the newly available version. The latest AOL Gold desktop is known for its features like automatic update, enhanced security, easy to use and user-friendly interface.
You can face a problem with the automatic update only if “automatic updates are turned off in your windows”. It is advisable to turn this feature on your windows for the smooth running of your software’s and your